Comparison of conventional and vibrio fischeri bioassays for the assessment of municipal wastewater toxicity

Nora Kov ts1, Maha Refaey2, Bettina Varanka2, K roly Reich2, rp d Ferincz1, Andr s cs1

1 Institute of Environmental Sciences of the University of Pannonia, 10 Egyetem Street, Veszpr m, H-8200, Hungary
2 Institute of Environmental Engineering of the University of Pannonia, 10 Egyetem Street, Veszpr m, H-8200, Hungary


The bioassay based on the bioluminescence inhibition of Vibrio fischeri has been successfully applied to test municipal wastewater toxicity, in fact, the ISO 11348-3 standard was especially issued to prescribe the application of this test in wastewater toxicity assessment. However, this protocol cannot take into consideration virtual toxicity caused by turbidity or color of the sample tested. On the contrary, the kinetic version of the V. fischeri assay (ISO 21338:2010: Water quality - Kinetic determination of the inhibitory effects of sediment, other solids and colored samples on the light emission of Vibrio fischeri /kinetic luminescent bacteria test/) was developed to mitigate the drawbacks of the original protocol. Municipal wastewaters are often turbid/colored. Two versions of the V. fischeri bioluminescence inhibition assays were applied for municipal wastewater samples, before and after filtering. In most cases, the traditional version of the bioassay detected higher toxicity than the kinetic version, most possibly implying that reduced light emittance caused by solid particles and/or color also contributed to toxicity readings.


Flash; kinetic assay; municipal wastewater; ToxAlert; Vibrio fischeri

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