Encyclopedia of environmetrics, volume 5
In volume 5 of Encyclopedia of Environmetrics the authors provides 102 well structured articles. The entries are from R to S: R and S programming language are presented. Radiation and radiative transfer basic physics, transport theory, classical equation of transfer are presented, scattering, heating, cooling processes are discussed. Radioactivity the article is focused on measurement system and radioactive units, sampling, modeling, radiological protection and health effects. Radon a brief description of the gas and some issues are discussed. Random effects methodology of calculation is provided. Random fields is used for description of random process, a brief presentation is included in the article. Random field, Gaussian is focused on calculation method. Random fields, nonparametric methods some estimation problems and methods in random fields are discussed. Random number generators the algorithm of calculation is provided. Random walk the stochastic process is presented. Randomization principle of using randomization and some examples are provided. Randomized branch sampling terminology, path selection, and estimators are discussed. Ranked set sampling include multivariate ranked set sampling, variations of the basic protocol and other variations. Ranks basic definitions, elementary properties and calculation methods for different tests are included. Reaction phenomena is described. Receptor and hybrid modeling tools is focused on presentation of methodologies for different models. Record linkage mathematical model and estimation of matching parameters are described. ...