Encyclopedia of environmetrics, volume 6

Abdel H. El-Shaarawi, Walter W. Piegorsch


The Encyclopedia of Environmetrics volume 6 includes 67 articles well structured. The entries are from S to Z: Standard error a brief presentation of this measure of the variability of statistic around is provided. Standards, environmental describe the past, present and future techniques by which environmental standards are established. State-space methods the state space models and methods are presented. Statistical computing in environmental science programming of computer routines for modeling of processes, statistical analyses of collected data, utilization of dedicated computer packages for the storage, integration and visualization of environmental data and utilization of internet are discussed. Statistical graphics is focused on the connections to statistics and the results. Stochastic model sources of random error and examples of stochastic and deterministic models are presented. Stochastic process is focused on random walk and Brownian motion, stochastic differential equations and diffusions, branching and stationary processes, point processes and point random fields. Stochasticity a brief presentation is provided. Subjective probability the theories of probability, pros and cons of subjective probability and role in environmetrics are discussed. Subset selection general properties of subset selection are presented, a comparison of the two approaches of Bechhofer and Gupta is provided and some generalizations and modification are indicated. Superfund site, US presentation of superfund site is provided. Surveillance, environmental describes categories of surveillance and a method used in Sweden. Survivial analysis mathematical method is presented. ...

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