Researches on air micro flora determination from public indoor spaces and hospital wards in an urban area

Capat na Camelia1, Cristinel Racoceanu1, Gheorghe Lazar2

1 Constantin Br ncusi University of Tg-Jiu, Faculty of Engineering, 3 Geneva Street, Tg-Jiu, 210152, Gorj, Romania, e-mail:
2 Environmental Protection Agency, 76 Unirii Street, Tg-Jiu, 210152, Gorj Romania


Microbial flora is an indicator of the environmental potential of allowing the air-transmitting infections. The paper presents the determination of micro-flora from public indoor spaces and hospital wards in an urban zone. There were used the following sampling and insemination methods: harvesting by sedimentation (Koch method) and harvesting by aspiration, filtration methods, barbotage method, impact method, electro-precipitation method and biotest Hycon. Air micro-flora determinations show a raise in TNG (Total Number of Germs) and in the total number of fungi, which is higher in public indoor spaces than in hospital wards.


air; microflora; germs; fungi

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