High yield of ethanol from waste apple juice by immobilized cells of saccharomyces cerevisiae s-3s on sugar cane bagasse in fed batch system

Arifa Tahir, Sidra Sarwar

Environmental Science Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan


The aim of present study was the effective utilization of waste apple for high yield of ethanol using immobilized cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae S-3S through fed-batch fermentation. Low cost biomaterial was also developed for immobilization. Immobilization was carried out on different inert supports (agar-agar, k-carrageenan, Ca-alginate, sugar cane bagasse and apple bagasse). The results revealed that immobilized cells of S. cerevisiae S-3S gave high yield of ethanol as compared to free cells. Maximum ethanol (9.5% v/v) was produced with S. cerevisiae S-3S immobilized cells on sugarcane bagasse. The effects of different glucose concentration feeding rates on ethanol fermentation were investigated for fed batch culture. The fed batch culture at 40% glucose concentration feeding rate was proven to be a better fermentation system than the batch culture. Our findings suggest that fed-batch fermentation improves the efficiency of ethanol production in terms of ethanol concentration and product yield.


apple juice; ethanol; fermentation; Saccharomyces cerevisiae S-3S; sugar cane bagasse

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