Grey mangrove avicennia marina (forsk.) vierh. as a bio-indicator to measure nickel, mercury and cadmium: a case study at persian gulf portshoreline, khuzestan, iran

Javaheri Baboli Mehran1, Kalantarhormozi Sahar1,2

1 Department of Fisheries, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 Department of Fisheries, Khuzestan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran


This study attempted to measure the amounts of nickel, mercury and cadmium in leaves of Avicenna marina and sediments at Persian Gulf port shoreline in Iran to investigate their use as bio-indicators. Mean concentrations of Hg (0.02 0.00 mg/kg), Cd (0.79 0.13 mg/kg) and Ni (60.81 0.00 mg/kg) in the sediments were higher when compared with values registered in leaves to each metal (Hg: 0.01 0.00 mg/kg; Cd: 0.13 0.03 mg/kg; and Ni: 1.47 0.35 mg/kg). Regression analysis showed a significant association between accumulation of Ni and Hg in the leaves in relation with the concentration of these same metals in the sediments (p<0.05). This fact was not confirmed for Cd (p>0.05). Results of thise study also demonstrated that leaves of A.marina are not a proper accumulator for Ni and Hg. However, this was not available for Cd.


Avicennia marina; bio-indicator; heavy metals; metal accumulation

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