Research hub for an integrated green energy system reusing sealines for h2 storage and transport

Ilaria Antoncecchi1,2, Giada Rossi1, Marzia Bevilacqua1, Roberto Cianella1, Giuseppe Vico1,3,4, Sergio Ferrero3,4, Felice Catania3,4, Marco Pacini5, Nicola Mondelli5, Marzia Rovere6, Marco Bibuli6, Diego Vittorini7, Davide Di Battista7

1 Italian Ministry of Economic Development, Via Molise, 2, 00187, Rome - Italy
2 Research on Energy System, S.p.A., Via R. Rubattino, 20134 Milan - Italy
3 Polytechnic of Turin, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Turin - Italy
4 Polytechnic of Turin, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Turin - Italy
5 Rosetti Marino Group of Companies Via Trieste, 230, 48122 Ravenna - Italy
6 National Research Council of Italy, ISMAR and INM, Via Piero Gobetti, 101, 40129 Bologna & Via De Marini, 6, 16149 Genoa - Italy
7 Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics, University of L Aquila, Via G. Gronchi, 18, 67100 L Aquila Italy


In this paper, we propose innovative solutions for reusing an inactive offshore gas platform and its associated infrastructures as a scientific research hub, where an integrated energy system and innovative environmental monitoring methods are envisaged. To this end, the Azalea A platform, located in the northern Adriatic Sea, is considered a good pilot site. This study analyzes the engineering solutions on Azalea A for the combined production of solar and wind energy coupled with hydrogen production from seawater electrolysis. It analyzes the potential for storage and transport on land of the produced hydrogen using the sealines connected to the platform. However, this study does not deal with the current structural conditions of the platform (corrosion, stability etc.), which should be evaluated before these solutions are put into practice. The main outcomes of this work consist in a feasibility study for the reuse of existing infrastructures as a self-sufficient research hub using green energy systems, which include considerations about the measures needed to ensure the protection of the marine environment. Data show a positive feedback about the technical feasibility of the proposal in safety conditions. Furthermore, encouraging outcomes derive also by the economic evaluation that estimates sustainable costs comparing to those implicated with the decommissioning of the infrastructures in the order of tens millions euro. In addition, the proposed reuse seems to be a good opportunity to promote both energy transition toward renewable energy systems and environmental protection, avoiding decommissioning impacts and promoting an innovative monitoring program for the Adriatic Sea.


blue growth; offshore monitoring; renewable energy; reuse; technology

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