Alliance for water stewardship: a network of sustainable water stewards
1 Philip Morris Manufacturing & Technology Bologna S.p.A., Via Giacomo Venturi 1/2, 40053, Crespellano, Bologna (Italy)
2 HPC Italia S.r.l., Via Francesco Ferrucci 17/A, 20145, Milan (Italy)
2 HPC Italia S.r.l., Via Francesco Ferrucci 17/A, 20145, Milan (Italy)
Overexploitation and competitiveness over shared fresh water resources are some of the growing problems that affect numerous countries world-wide, in particular those characterized by high water-related risks linked to water scarcity, droughts and baseline water stress. Private and public sectors are driven to find alternative or best-practice strategies to conserve and optimize the water resource and guarantee a future use to all. The affiliate of Philip Morris Manufacturing and Technology Bologna of Crespellano has, with support of the INOGEN International Alliance and environmental consultants Denkstatt and HPC, implemented the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) in order to promote a sustainable and feasible water use in the Emilia-Romagna Region as the second certified AWS Site in Italy after the Sicilian affiliate of Nestl .
innovation; sustainability; water use