Atmospheric dispersion predicting model of pm10 in a gypsum plant

Marzieh Makaremi1, Nabiollah Mansouri1, Alireza Vafaeinajad2, Mohammad Hasan Behzadi3, Seyed Alireza Mirzahossieni1

1 Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-1477893855, Iran
2 Faculty of Civil, Water and Environmental Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran-1983969411, Iran
3 Faculty of Foundation Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-1477893855, Iran


Industries are the major sources of air pollution, especially suspended particulate matter. These sources can cause adverse health effects particularly when they are located close to populated areas. The present paper addresses the prediction of the PM10 dispersion from Zarch Gypsum plant. A Gaussian dispersion model (AERMOD) was used for particulate matter dispersion modeling. Emission rates of PM10 were evaluated by emission factors and modeling tools. The AERMOD model was implemented with upper and surface meteorological data and the results were verified by the measurement data around the Gypsum plant. The predicted concentrations were considered to be in good agreement with the measured data. The values of coefficient of determination were about R2=0.88 and RMSE=10.55 g/m3. Results of this study have confirmed that the AERMOD could be applied to study the predictions of PM10 concentration with reasonable accuracy. Furthermore, the results represent that in some areas PM10 concentration is higher than the standard concentration (which is 150 g/m3).


AERMOD; air pollution modeling; Gaussian model; gypsum industry; PM10

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