Researches on thermal treatment of wasted portable batteries and accumulators

Ionica Persu, Ioana Predescu, Ciprian Chisega-Negrila, Andreea Iancu

Oskar Von Miller Conception, Research Design Institute for Thermopower Equipment, Vitan Street No. 236, Bucharest, Romania


A stressing environmental global problem is the proper management of waste. The increasing quantity of waste is generating very serious concerns regarding the protection of the environment. Furthermore, in some particular cases, the nature of this waste presents a very high risk for the human health. This is the case for wasted batteries and accumulators. Many countries adopted a special regime for managing this type of waste and imposed that the heavy metals contained by them, the main source of pollution, should be recycled. In the last years, OVM-ICCPET has made several researches in order to develop a technology for recovering heavy metals from the wasted batteries and portable accumulators.


wasted batteries; heavy metal recovery; environmental protection

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