Studies on the influence of irrigation on a calcic chernozem in the eastern region of romania

Florian Statescu, Dorin Cotiusca Zauca

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Hydrotechnical Engineering, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering, Department of Hydroamelioration and Environmental Protection, 65 Mangeron, Blvd.,, 700050 Iasi, Romania


The Romanian strategy in the field of irrigations for the years of 2008-2011 consists of the modernization of the existing works covering about 3.1 mil. ha, while for the years of 2011-2025 the irrigation of additional area of 0.9 mil. ha is expected. In the climate conditions of Romania, the irrigation has a complementary character over the precipitations. Because of this reason, a correct regime of irrigations needs a very good correlation between watering and precipitations in order to achieve both a favorable moisture regime for the growing plants and for the quality protection of soil. Using uncontrolled watering regime or inadequate quality of water, leads in many situations to inappropriate processes for soil evolution. A study regarding the modifications of the soil quality as result of the irrigations was carried out in the district of Bacau, in the East of Romania and its results are presented in this paper. The research objectives were focused on a Calcic Chernozem (FAO-UNESCO) in three areas with different watering conditions and consisted of: analyses regarding the evolutions of porosity and hydro-physical parameters; analyses regarding the dynamic of soil salinity; analyses regarding the dynamic of heavy metals in mobile form; analyses regarding dynamic of nitrogen in the soil; analyses regarding the biologic activity of the soil. The research method consisted in soil sampling at pre-established time periods, their laboratory studying, data processing and interpretation. The conclusions of this study bring new contributions to the development of management for irrigated lands in Romania.


calcic chernozem; heavy metals; hydro-physical parameters; irrigation; mobile form; soil salinity; ; nitrogen in soil; biologic activity of the soil.

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