Inter-cities transfer of a transportation project

Catalin Popescu1, Luminita Ion2, Tatiana Cucu2,3, Jean-Marie Boussier2,4, Augustin Mitu1, Daniela Uta1

1 Department of Management and Marketing, Petroleum and Gas University, 39 Bucuresti Blvd., Ploiesti 100680 Romania
2 Department LOG, School Engineers in Industrial Systems, La Rochelle, France
3 Laboratory of Integration of Material to the System, Department LAPS - Group GRAI, ENSEIRB, 351 Cours de la Lib ration, 33405 Talence Cedex, University of Bordeaux, France
4 Laboratoire L3i, Universit La Rochelle, Avenue Michel Cr peau, 17042 Cedex, France


Transferability process identifies the transportation projects which could be implemented successfully in different cities in order to encourage the good practices. This paper proposes a method to evaluate the environmental efficiency of a project by using a hybrid approach based on utility theory and data mining techniques. Transferability principle is applied to show the environmental efficiency of an access controlled area in the hyper centre of two different cities. COPERT III technology is used in order to compute saved fuel and emissions by using experimental measurements of traffic characteristics or traffic simulation tools.


COPERT methodology; traffic simulation; transferability; transportation

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