Assessment of the environmental impacts generated by rubber processing activity

Aurica Grec, Florin Dumescu, Corneliu Maior

Vasile Goldis Western University of Arad, 94-96 Revolution Blvd., 310025 Arad, ROMANIA


This work presents a global approach of the impact generated in the environment by rubber processing activity. The objective analyzed as a case study is a company that produces rubber tires for trucks and industrial vehicles. The experimental part includes the determination of quality indicators for each environmental factor (air, water, soil) and the evaluation of environmental impact on these factors. Determination of the environmental quality indicators was done by sampling and analysis methods specific to each type of determination. A significant negative impact of the described activity was found for water and air. The method of global pollution assessment by the means of global pollution degree was applied for impact assessment, while the compliance degree was chosen to determine synergistic effect.


compliance degree; fugitive emissions; global pollution degree; pollutants; trading scheme

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