Integration level of environmental issues into the company strategies. case study
Babe.-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 58-60 Teodor Mihali Str., 400591 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
As a result of the stakeholders growing pressure and global environmental challenges, many corporations across the world have to integrate environmental issues into their strategic decision-making system and operations function. The objective of this paper is to identify to what extent the activities regarding the environmental issues are successfully integrated into general and functional strategies of a multinational company from production field. We have analyzed these aspects using the model proposed by Paul de Baker and data were collected by applying questionnaires. The results show that the highest score was obtained in the case of production strategy, while integration of environmental issues into human resource strategy is the biggest challenge that an organization has to face. The value of global diagnosis points out an average concern for integrating the environmental aspects in the overall company strategy, fact that is also confirmed by the scores obtained for each dimension and per total.
environmental issues; environmental policy; environmental strategies; general strategy