The impact of traffic related pollution on air quality in sibiu region
1 Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Engineering, 5 E. Cioran Str., Sibiu, Romania
2 Universita degli Studi di Trento, Faculty of Engineering, 77 Via Messiano, Trento, Italy
3 Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu, Agency Sibiu, 2A Hipodromului Str., Sibiu, Romania
2 Universita degli Studi di Trento, Faculty of Engineering, 77 Via Messiano, Trento, Italy
3 Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu, Agency Sibiu, 2A Hipodromului Str., Sibiu, Romania
Urban areas represent the main zones of anthropogenic emissions and, at the same time, includes the largest number of population exposed to air pollution. Data related to traffic hot spots locations in Sibiu urban areas are presented and discussed in this paper. It is important to assess the impact of changing climate conditions and concentration of pollutants, these aspects are of special interest because of high and increasing population of urban regions exposed to consequences of climate change and air pollution. Paper tackling the problem of traffic related pollution and especially PM10 fraction as a novel research. No other research were previously done in Sibiu region emphasising particulate matter generated by traffic, and the importance of the research is more obvious considering the new infrastructure and growing number of transition traffic in the region. Measurements were conducted within Environmental Agency of Sibiu team and are presented and discussed with regard to the updated situation.
air pollution; particulate matter; traffic pollution