[RETRACTED] Precipitation regimes in kizilirmak basin, turkey
1 Sinop University, Boyabat Vocational School of Higher Education, Construction Department, Sinop, Turkey
2 Sinop University, Boyabat Vocational School of Higher Education, Property Protection and Security Department, Sinop, Turkey
2 Sinop University, Boyabat Vocational School of Higher Education, Property Protection and Security Department, Sinop, Turkey
Changing precipitation patterns and greater variations in precipitation cause flooding and flash flooding. Considering the future scenarios, it is predicted that the number and severity of floods and flood disasters will increase. The annual precipitation concentration and the temporal trend of precipitation concentration of the Kizilirmak Basin in Turkey were investigated. In addition, evaluations were made in terms of public administration against climate change and possible disasters. Precipitation Concentration Index (PCI) and Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA) were used with precipitation records for the period 1976-2017 in the Kizilirmak Basin. The results show a moderate precipitation regime at Kizilirmak Basin. According to ITA results, no significant trends were found at the 0.05 significance level. However, insignificant negative trends and positive trends were detected for PCI. It should not be forgotten that there will be changes in the frequency and severity of disasters such as floods and droughts, in which regions with irregular precipitation regimes are determined in the future. Within the scope of the modern disaster management approach, it is necessary to make preparations for reducing risks and damages and to raise awareness about disasters.
climate change; disaster; disaster management; precipitation; precipitation regime