Ecological agriculture: dynamics of the biological activities in soils cultivated with maize under the influence of organic fertilization

Marius Zaharia, Teodor Robu, Nicoleta Irimia

The Ion Ionescu de la Brad University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, 3 Mihail Sadoveanu Alley, 700490 Iasi, Romania


The current paper presents several experimental results achieved by using either organic (10t/ha and 20t/ha compost) or chemical (N100P50K50) fertilizers for fertilization of maize grains within the Iasi Didactic Station from the Moldavian plateau in the period 2009-2010. The aim of this work consisted in isolating and quantifying the microbial population existent in soil (G+ and G-bacteria, mycromicetes) by determining the percentage of participation, the main species and the level of their activity in each studied variant. From the analysis of the achieved results, one may observe a significant increase of the soil microbial activity for soils fertilized with compost compared to the non-fertilized samples. These results evidence the possibility of applying the organic fertilization with husbandry compost for maize crops within the ecological farms.


compost; ecological agriculture; microbial activity; organic fertilization

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