Issue |
Title |
Vol 17, No 11 (2018) |
Variety behaviors of depth and surface filter media with the ages for pleated filter cartridges |
Yan Cuiping, Liu Guijian, Chen Haiyan |
Vol 17, No 7 (2018) |
Vertical distribution and potential mobility of heavy metals in new and old tailings of a lead/zinc sulfide mine |
Malik Anju |
Vol 6, No 6 (2007) |
Virtual environmental measurement center based on remote instrumentation |
Marius Branzila, Carmen Alexandru, Codrin Donciu, Alexandru Trandabat, Cristina Schreiner |
Vol 10, No 8 (2011) |
Virtual prototyping of a spraying robotic system |
Monica Enescu, Catalin Alexandru |
Vol 18, No 6 (2019) |
Viscose-maghemite/goethite polymeric composite as sorbent for oil spill cleanup |
Razvan Rotaru, Maria Emiliana Fortuna, Corneliu Cojocaru, Petrisor Samoila, Lucia Pricop, Valeria Harabagiu |
Vol 13, No 6 (2014) |
Visitor management tools for protected areas focused on sustainable tourism development: the croatian experience |
Lidija Petric, Ante Mandic |
Vol 15, No 7 (2016) |
Visual impact assessment of colour and scale of buildings on the rural landscape |
Maria Jesus Montero-Parejo, Lorenzo Garcia-Moruno, Sergio Lopez-Casares, Julio Hernandez-Blanco |
Vol 9, No 7 (2010) |
Voc decomposition in airflow by pulsed discharge |
Zhihui Xie, Lingen Chen, Fengrui Sun, Qizheng Ye |
Vol 11, No 11 (2012) |
Volatile compounds captured in exhaust co2 flow during the fermentation of busuioaca de bohotin wine |
Lucia-Cintia Colibaba, Valeriu V. Cotea, Marius Niculaua, Hans-Georg Schmarr |
Vol 14, No 2 (2015) |
Volatiles in tam ioasa rom neasca via supercritical fluid extraction (sfe) analysis |
Lucia Cintia Colibaba, Valeriu V. Cotea, Liliana Rotaru, Bogdan Nechita, Marius Niculaua, Stefan Tudose-Sandu-Ville, Camelia Luchian |
Vol 17, No 12 (2018) |
Voltammetric studies of ybaco2o5 in alkaline aqueous solution |
Mircea Dan, Andrea Kellenberger, Nicolae Vaszilcsin, Narcis Duteanu |
Vol 12, No 8 (2013) |
Voluntary agreements as a way to stimulate industrial environmental management and their conditions for success |
Hans Bressers, Theo de Bruijn, Laura Franco, Kris Lulofs, Yanyan Xue |
Vol 5, No 3 (2006) |
Voluntary environmental reporting in romania |
Adriana Budeanu, ke Thidell |
Vol 16, No 9 (2017) |
Vulnerability assessment of land-use types with respect to major accident hazards |
Ioannis Sebos, Athena Progiou, Ioannis Ziomas |
Vol 14, No 12 (2015) |
Vulnerability of groundwater under climate change and land cover: a new spatial assessment method applied on belis district (western carpathians, romania) |
Margarit-Mircea Nistor, .tefan Dezsi, Sorin Cheval |
Vol 19, No 10 (2020) |
Waste and standards at the time of the anthropocene. for an urban ethnography: the case of the dalmine waste-to-energy plant |
Roberto Redaelli, Raffaella Trigona |
Vol 20, No 8 (2021) |
Waste liquid crystal displays (lcds) glass as aggregate substitute in concrete products |
Snjezana Simunic, Aleksandra Anic Vucinic, Ivana Presecki, Goran Kniewald |
Vol 4, No 2 (2005) |
Waste management |
Vasile Oros |
Vol 16, No 8 (2017) |
Waste management companies towards circular economy: what impacts on production costs? |
Francesca Bartolacci, Roberto Del Gobbo, Antonella Paolini, Michela Soverchia |
Vol 14, No 8 (2015) |
Waste management in civil engineering: a dynamic framework |
Nuria Calvo, Jacobo Fe s, Ignacio P rez, Ana R. Pasand n |
Vol 15, No 3 (2016) |
Waste management in romania: current data and application of a decision support tool |
Vassilis Inglezakis, Mihaela Ambarus, Nona Ardeleanu, Konstantinos Moustakas, Maria Loizidou |
Vol 11, No 9 (2012) |
Waste management: a life cycle perspective |
Samad Kazemi, Nicolae Peiu, Matei Macoveanu |
Vol 18, No 9 (2019) |
Waste toner powder in concrete industry: an approach towards circular economy |
Ivana Melnjak, Aleksandra Anic Vucinic, Lucija Radetic, Ivana Grcic |
Vol 8, No 5 (2009) |
Wastes used in obtaining polymer composite |
Marinela Barbuta, Nicolae Taranu, Maria Harja |
Vol 17, No 5 (2018) |
Waste-to-waste management and resource conservation and recycling |
Pooja Singh, Deepak Pant |
4451 - 4475 of 4539 Items |
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