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Issue Title
Vol 17, No 11 (2018) Variety behaviors of depth and surface filter media with the ages for pleated filter cartridges Abstract
Yan Cuiping, Liu Guijian, Chen Haiyan
Vol 17, No 7 (2018) Vertical distribution and potential mobility of heavy metals in new and old tailings of a lead/zinc sulfide mine Abstract
Malik Anju
Vol 6, No 6 (2007) Virtual environmental measurement center based on remote instrumentation Abstract
Marius Branzila, Carmen Alexandru, Codrin Donciu, Alexandru Trandabat, Cristina Schreiner
Vol 10, No 8 (2011) Virtual prototyping of a spraying robotic system Abstract
Monica Enescu, Catalin Alexandru
Vol 18, No 6 (2019) Viscose-maghemite/goethite polymeric composite as sorbent for oil spill cleanup Abstract
Razvan Rotaru, Maria Emiliana Fortuna, Corneliu Cojocaru, Petrisor Samoila, Lucia Pricop, Valeria Harabagiu
Vol 13, No 6 (2014) Visitor management tools for protected areas focused on sustainable tourism development: the croatian experience Abstract
Lidija Petric, Ante Mandic
Vol 15, No 7 (2016) Visual impact assessment of colour and scale of buildings on the rural landscape Abstract
Maria Jesus Montero-Parejo, Lorenzo Garcia-Moruno, Sergio Lopez-Casares, Julio Hernandez-Blanco
Vol 9, No 7 (2010) Voc decomposition in airflow by pulsed discharge Abstract
Zhihui Xie, Lingen Chen, Fengrui Sun, Qizheng Ye
Vol 11, No 11 (2012) Volatile compounds captured in exhaust co2 flow during the fermentation of busuioaca de bohotin wine Abstract
Lucia-Cintia Colibaba, Valeriu V. Cotea, Marius Niculaua, Hans-Georg Schmarr
Vol 14, No 2 (2015) Volatiles in tam ioasa rom neasca via supercritical fluid extraction (sfe) analysis Abstract
Lucia Cintia Colibaba, Valeriu V. Cotea, Liliana Rotaru, Bogdan Nechita, Marius Niculaua, Stefan Tudose-Sandu-Ville, Camelia Luchian
Vol 17, No 12 (2018) Voltammetric studies of ybaco2o5 in alkaline aqueous solution Abstract
Mircea Dan, Andrea Kellenberger, Nicolae Vaszilcsin, Narcis Duteanu
Vol 12, No 8 (2013) Voluntary agreements as a way to stimulate industrial environmental management and their conditions for success Abstract
Hans Bressers, Theo de Bruijn, Laura Franco, Kris Lulofs, Yanyan Xue
Vol 5, No 3 (2006) Voluntary environmental reporting in romania Abstract
Adriana Budeanu, ke Thidell
Vol 16, No 9 (2017) Vulnerability assessment of land-use types with respect to major accident hazards Abstract
Ioannis Sebos, Athena Progiou, Ioannis Ziomas
Vol 14, No 12 (2015) Vulnerability of groundwater under climate change and land cover: a new spatial assessment method applied on belis district (western carpathians, romania) Abstract
Margarit-Mircea Nistor, .tefan Dezsi, Sorin Cheval
Vol 19, No 10 (2020) Waste and standards at the time of the anthropocene. for an urban ethnography: the case of the dalmine waste-to-energy plant Abstract
Roberto Redaelli, Raffaella Trigona
Vol 20, No 8 (2021) Waste liquid crystal displays (lcds) glass as aggregate substitute in concrete products Abstract
Snjezana Simunic, Aleksandra Anic Vucinic, Ivana Presecki, Goran Kniewald
Vol 4, No 2 (2005) Waste management Abstract
Vasile Oros
Vol 16, No 8 (2017) Waste management companies towards circular economy: what impacts on production costs? Abstract
Francesca Bartolacci, Roberto Del Gobbo, Antonella Paolini, Michela Soverchia
Vol 14, No 8 (2015) Waste management in civil engineering: a dynamic framework Details
Nuria Calvo, Jacobo Fe s, Ignacio P rez, Ana R. Pasand n
Vol 15, No 3 (2016) Waste management in romania: current data and application of a decision support tool Abstract
Vassilis Inglezakis, Mihaela Ambarus, Nona Ardeleanu, Konstantinos Moustakas, Maria Loizidou
Vol 11, No 9 (2012) Waste management: a life cycle perspective Abstract
Samad Kazemi, Nicolae Peiu, Matei Macoveanu
Vol 18, No 9 (2019) Waste toner powder in concrete industry: an approach towards circular economy Abstract
Ivana Melnjak, Aleksandra Anic Vucinic, Lucija Radetic, Ivana Grcic
Vol 8, No 5 (2009) Wastes used in obtaining polymer composite Abstract
Marinela Barbuta, Nicolae Taranu, Maria Harja
Vol 17, No 5 (2018) Waste-to-waste management and resource conservation and recycling Abstract
Pooja Singh, Deepak Pant
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