Issue |
Title |
Vol 8, No 5 (2009) |
A green route to synthesize ceo2 nanoparticles |
Nicolae Apostolescu, Gabriela Carja, Gabriela Apostolescu, Elena Husanu |
Vol 21, No 8 (2022) |
A green technology for biodesalination of saline water resources by microalgae: a critical review |
Maryam Asadi Ghalhari, Roya Mafigholami, Afshin Takdastan, Behnoosh Khoshmaneshzadeh |
Vol 15, No 5 (2016) |
A. hippocastanum l. and t. cordata mill. as biomonitoring plants for air pollution in urban areas. a case study: city of cluj-napoca |
Ilie Covrig, Ioan Oroian, Antonia Odagiu, Liviu Holonec, Elvira Oroian |
Vol 18, No 3 (2019) |
A hybrid multi-criteria decision analysis approach for environmental performance evaluation: an example of the tft-lcd manufacturers in taiwan |
Hung-Yi Wu, August Tsai, Hung-Shu Wu |
Vol 14, No 7 (2015) |
A hydrometallurgical process for recovering rare earths and metals from spent fluorescent lamps |
Roberta De Carolis, Danilo Fontana, Massimiliana Pietrantonio, Stefano Pucciarmati, Giorgia Nadia Torelli |
Vol 7, No 1 (2008) |
A kinetic model for the crystal violet mineralization in water by the electro- fenton process |
Ilie Siminiceanu, Carmen-Ionela Alexandru, Eric Brillas |
Vol 11, No 5 (2012) |
A markov-based model to forecast emergency hospital admissions due to air pollution: the lenvis project approach |
Antonio Candelieri, Ilaria Giordani, Paolo Testa, Gaia Arosio, Francesco Archetti |
Vol 16, No 6 (2017) |
A mathematical model for determining the dimensionless heat flux with application in mine environment |
Dan Codrut Petrilean, Sorina Stanila, Ion Dosa |
Vol 19, No 7 (2020) |
A methodology for supporting exploratory research on the role of geo-location and boundaries in spatio-temporal and environmental studies |
Daniel Homocianu, Aurelian-Petru Plopeanu, Alin Adrian Mihaila, Emil Lucian Crisan, Razvan Liviu Nistor, Dinu Airinei |
Vol 17, No 8 (2018) |
A micellar decontamination strategy for removing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the environment |
Elena Livia Vasilescu, Marieta Balcan, Gabriela Stinga, Adriana Baran, Ioana Catalina Vacaresteanu, Ludmila Aricov, Dan Florin Anghel |
Vol 10, No 8 (2011) |
A micro-hydropower station for the conversion of flowing water kinetic energy |
Ion Bostan, Valeriu Dulgheru, Viorel Bostan, Anatol Sochireanu, Nicolae Trifan, Ion Dicusara, Oleg Ciobanu, Radu Ciobanu |
Vol 20, No 7 (2021) |
A model for urban forest management planning: istanbul case study |
Murat Kose, Simay Kirca, Alev Perihan Gurbey, Serhun Saglam, Hande Sanem Cinar, Emrah Ozdemir, Ali Ayhan Kul, Tevfik Hakan Altincekic, Canturk Gumus |
Vol 3, No 3 (2004) |
A modern approach in wood waste management: composites based on a novel copolyamide as matrix |
Madalina Zanoaga, Yevgen Mamunya, Fulga Tanasa, Volodymyr Myshak, Raluca Darie, Eugene Lebedev |
Vol 18, No 8 (2019) |
A monte carlo simulation method for risk management in road pavement maintenance projects |
Raluca Arba, Sergiu Jecan, Lucia Rusu, Dan-Andrei Sitar-Taut |
Vol 18, No 1 (2019) |
A multi-agent system for monitoring and analyzing the air quality index |
Elia Georgiana Dragomir |
Vol 22, No 9 (2023) |
A multicentric research on the perception of resident doctors regarding medical waste management and its legislation |
Dan Ovidiu Grigorescu, Cristina Mihaela Salca Rotaru, Ioan Aron, Iuliu Cocuz |
Vol 18, No 5 (2019) |
A multi-objective optimization model to support the municipal solid waste management |
Rafaella de Souza Henriques, Lineker Max Goulart Coelho |
Vol 18, No 7 (2019) |
A multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm based on human social behavior for environmental economics dispatch problems |
Daqing Wu, Yanli Liu, , Kang Li, Jiao Li |
Vol 21, No 11 (2022) |
A new adsorbent from avocado leaves: production, characterization, and optimization of its use |
Fabiola Tomassoni, Elisangela Edila Schneider, Cristiane Lisboa Giroletti, Maria Angeles Lobo-Recio, Maria Eliza Nagel-Hassemer, Flavio Rubens Lapolli |
Vol 21, No 11 (2022) |
A new and cost-effective approach for metals recovery from acidic leaching liquor with bacterial cellulose |
Emine Sayilgan, Aytul Bayraktar, Melda Basbug Canci |
Vol 18, No 8 (2019) |
A new approach to obtain aerogels for gas safety applications |
Corneliu S. Stan, Gabriela Soreanu, Marcel Popa, Petronela Horlescu, Tudor Lupascu, Igor Cretescu |
Vol 18, No 5 (2019) |
A new approach to promote river development solutions |
Altan Abdulamit, Stefan Ionescu |
Vol 12, No 5 (2013) |
A new conceptual framework for environmental decision based on fractal philosophy |
Ionut Viorel Herghiligiu, Mihaela Luminita Lupu, Christian Robledo2 Abdessamad Kobi |
Vol 14, No 5 (2015) |
A new kinetic and thermodynamic approach to phenol biosorption by chitosan and keratin |
Attilio Converti, Milena Nakagawa, Gisele Pigatto, Alessandra Lodi, Bronislaw Polakiewicz, Saleh Al Arni, Elisabetta Finocchio, Mauri S rgio Alves Palma |
Vol 13, No 7 (2014) |
A new method for the evaluation of radon concentration within a dedicated vessel |
Marius Stamate, Sorina Zirnea, Iulia Caraman |
51 - 75 of 4539 Items |
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