Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Vol 11, No 7 (2012) A new method for verification of ignition systems integrated in special trucks Abstract
Emilian Ghicioi, Mihaela Paraian, Leonard Lupu, Adrian Jurca
Vol 5, No 1 (2006) A new model for solids concentration profiles in circular settling tank Abstract
Diana Robescu, Dan Robescu, Bogdan Mitaru
Vol 11, No 1 (2012) A new photo-fenton procedure applied in oxidative degradation of organic compounds from wastewater Abstract
Cristina Orbeci, Ion Untea, Rodica Stanescu, Adina Elena Segneanu, Mihaela Emanuela Craciun
Vol 9, No 1 (2010) A new real-time monitoring technique of the biochemical constituents of the environment Abstract
Petrisor Zamora Iordache, Nicoleta Petrea, Vasile Somoghi, Mihaela Muresan, Gabriel Epure, Rodica Lungu, Razvan Petre, Ion Savu, Andrada Pretorian, Bojin Dionezie, Lucia Mutihac
Vol 17, No 2 (2018) A new simple index for the estimation of energy impacts on the environment Abstract
Mohammad Hossein Ordouei, Ali Elkamel, Ghanima Al-Sharrah
Vol 15, No 12 (2016) A new simple model for the prediction of waste sludge flow rate in the steady-state completely mixed activated sludge process Abstract
Kaan Yetilmezsoy
Vol 16, No 1 (2017) A new solution for the oxygenation of stationary waters Abstract
Adrian Costache, Nicolae Baran, Alexandru Sorin Patulea
Vol 14, No 3 (2015) A new strategy for pentachlorophenol monitoring in water samples using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry tandem Abstract
Yassine Kadmi, Lidia Favier, Maria Harja, Andrei Ionut Simion, Lacramioara Rusu, Dominique Wolbert
Vol 8, No 5 (2009) A new technology to obtain ecological steels Abstract
Olimpia Ghermec, Cristian Ghermec, Traian Popescu
Vol 3, No 3 (2004) A new tool for site investigation: fast gc/ms analysis of benzo [a]pyrene in soil Abstract
Brindusa Robu, Torsten Ollesch, Wolfgang Schr der, Gerhard Matz
Vol 18, No 9 (2019) A new tool for the evaluation of co2 emissions from road traffic: a case study in cluj-napoca, romania Abstract
Rozalia Melania Boitor, Rodica Dorina Cadar, Petru Daniel Maran, Livia Mannini, Marco Petrelli
Vol 12, No 12 (2013) A novel approach for modeling cu2+ and zn2+ adsorption from industrial leachate by peanut shells Abstract
Basak Mesci
Vol 20, No 9 (2021) A novel of fractional order predictive model on carbon emission intensity in china's transportation sector Abstract
Li Cheng, Xing Jian
Vol 8, No 2 (2009) A novel plasma reactor for toluene decomposition in contaminated air flow Abstract
Zhihui Xie, Lingen Chen, Fengrui Sun, Qizheng Ye
Vol 21, No 12 (2022) A novel satellite-based methodology for retrieving specific leaf area of rice (hashemi cultivar) at field scale Abstract
Adineh Abdi, Safoora Asadi Kapourchal, Majid Vazifedoust, Mojtaba Rezaei
Vol 13, No 2 (2014) A novel technology for sustainable oil spills control Abstract
Abdul Aziz Al-Majed, Abdulrauf Rasheed Adebayo, Mohammed Enamul Hossain
Vol 20, No 9 (2021) A novel way to exploit steel industry waste: microbial mineralized slag blocks Abstract
Arivoli Masilamani, Nandakumar Durairaj, Malathy Ramalingam
Vol 16, No 3 (2017) A possible distribution of nitrogen compounds during natural mineral waters disinfection treatment Abstract
Daniela Bogdan, Ion Ion, Florinela Sirbu, Alina Catrinel Ion
Vol 17, No 12 (2018) A potential algaecide from the pruning wastes of grape (vitis vinifera) - stems and leaves Abstract
Zhaojiang Zuo, Zhengzhen Chen, Rumin Zhang, Yan Gao, Yong Wang
Vol 13, No 10 (2014) A preliminary study on electrocatalytic conversion of co2 into fuels Abstract
Fabiola Mart nez, Carlos Jim nez, Jes s Garc a, Rafael Camarillo, Jesusa Rinc n
Vol 19, No 9 (2020) A quantitative analysis of energy conservation and emissions reduction policy Abstract
Yanhua Zhang, Silin Chen, Jihong Fan
Vol 20, No 8 (2021) A radial basis function approach to estimate precipitations in brasov county, romania Abstract
Alexandru Antal, Pedro M.P. Guerreiro
Vol 15, No 2 (2016) A review of ferroelectric packed bed non thermal plasma reactor for volatile organic compounds decomposition Abstract
Abdullahi Mohammed Evuti, Mohd Ariffin Abu Hassan, Zainura Zainon Noor, Raja Kamarulzaman Raja Ibrahim
Vol 23, No 1 (2024) A review of properties of activated carbon adsorbents produced from textile waste Abstract
Nesli Aydin, Deniz Izlen Cifci
Vol 20, No 5 (2021) A review of the literature on entrepreneurship and the environment: opportunities for researching on the green entrepreneurial orientation Abstract
Mahdi Golsefid-Alavi, Kamal Sakhdari, Abutorab Alirezaei
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