Issue |
Title |
Vol 8, No 2 (2009) |
Adsorption of n-hexane vapors onto non-functionalised hypercrosslinked polymers (hypersol-macronettm) and activated carbon: thermodynamic and kinetic studies |
Adela Marilena Buburuzan, Cezar Catrinescu, Matei Macoveanu |
Vol 8, No 1 (2009) |
Adsorption of n-hexane vapors onto non-functionalized hypercrosslinked polymers (hypersol-macronettm) and activated carbon: equilibrium studies |
Adela Marilena Buburuzan Haleta, Cezar Catrinescu, Matei Macoveanu |
Vol 10, No 10 (2011) |
Adsorption of pb (ii) from aqueous solution onto lewatit fo36 nano resin: equilibrium and kinetic studies |
Mehdi Ahmadi, Pari Teymouri, Azra Setodeh, Mohamad Sedigh Mortazavi, Alireza Asgari |
Vol 18, No 3 (2019) |
Adsorption of phenol on adsorbents produced from coconut tree waste: kinetic and equilibrium studies |
Marta Duarte, Graziele Nascimento, Maressa Santos, Thiago Silva, Nat lia Campos, Jean Santos, Celmy Barbosa |
Vol 15, No 2 (2016) |
Adsorption of phenol with the grafted polymer of p(mma-mah)- pegme in aqueous solution |
Yun Huang, Haijun Cao, Jinwei He, Tao Jiang, Yuanhua Lin, Jun Zhang, Yangzong Ning |
Vol 12, No 7 (2013) |
Adsorption of phosphate from aqueous solutions by thermally modified palygorskite |
Jingjing Xie, Tianhuhu Chen, Chengsong Qing, Dong Chen, Chengzhu Zhu, Jiayuan Wang, Xinmin Zhan |
Vol 20, No 12 (2021) |
Adsorption of rhodamine b onto olive pomace: isotherms, kinetics and infrared studies |
Im ne-Moufida Boukerzaza, Besma Boulhouchet, Brahim Kebabi, Ammar Mennour |
Vol 11, No 8 (2012) |
Adsorption of ry 125 dye from aqueous solution on a silver doped tio2 modified clinoptilolite |
Liliana-Andreea Colar, Laura Cocheci, Elida-Cristina Ilinoiu, Florica Manea, Corina Orha, Rodica Pode |
Vol 14, No 7 (2015) |
Adsorption of simazine and boscalid onto acid-activated natural clinoptilolite |
Stefano Salvestrini, Paola Vanore, Pasquale Iovino, Vincenzo Leone, Sante Capasso |
Vol 15, No 11 (2016) |
Adsorption of tartrazine on an iron modified zeolitic tuff |
Adrian Alcantara-Cobos, Marcos Jose Solache-Rios, Maria del Carmen Diaz-Nava |
Vol 15, No 7 (2016) |
Adsorption of zn2+ and ni2+ ions from aqueous solution onto phyllanthus debilis: kinetics & equilibrium studies |
Mohammad Aslam, Pugazhendi Arulazhagan, Sumbul Rais, Masood Alam |
Vol 14, No 1 (2015) |
Adsorption properties of activated carbon from wild plant prepared by chemical activation |
zg l Ger el |
Vol 21, No 12 (2022) |
Adsorption properties of vermiculite for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution |
Betul Tuba Gemici |
Vol 15, No 12 (2016) |
Adsorptive removal of cu (ii) ions by date pits: kinetic and equilibrium studies |
Tarek E. Khalil, Hossam Altaher, Reda Abubeah |
Vol 13, No 2 (2014) |
Adsorptive removal of hazardous methylene blue by fruit shell of cocos nucifera |
Pijush Kanti Mondal, Rais Ahmad, Rajeev Kumar |
Vol 14, No 5 (2015) |
Adsorptive removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions by pumice powder: process modelling and kinetic evaluation |
Kiomars Sharafi, Amir Mohammad Mansouri, Ali Akbar Zinatizadeh, Meghdad Pirsaheb |
Vol 14, No 5 (2015) |
Adsorptive removal of phosphate from aqueous solutions by waste snail and clam shells |
Ji Bing Xiong, Yong Qin, Ejazul Islam |
Vol 23, No 3 (2024) |
Advanced architectural integration of aesthetic, energetic and reliable features for coloured building integrated photovoltaic (bipv) systems |
Laurentiu Fara, Dan Craciunescu, Alexandru Diaconu, Irinela Chilibon, Ana Maria Badea, Silvian Fara |
Vol 7, No 4 (2008) |
Advanced cd2+ removal on dispersed tio2-fly ash |
Maria Visa, Anca Duta |
Vol 15, No 5 (2016) |
Advanced eco-technologies and materials for environmental and health application |
Iulian Antoniac, Ecaterina Matei, Corneliu Munteanu |
Vol 13, No 9 (2014) |
Advanced environmental impact assessment: quantitative method for red mud disposal facilities |
Anett Utasi, Viktor Sebesty n, J zsef N meth, Tatj na Juzsakova, L szl Di ssy, Endre Domokos, Brindusa Robu, kos R dey, Istv n R duly, Lenke R duly |
Vol 23, No 6 (2024) |
Advanced numerical modeling using mike 11 to determine the water volume accumulation in a drainage channel for irrigation use |
Daniela Cristina Stoica Untaru, Teodor Eugen Man, Robert Florin Beilicci, Anisoara Aurelia Ienciu, Mircea Visescu, Marin Ilca |
Vol 13, No 10 (2014) |
Advanced oxidation of an azo dye and its synthesis intermediates in aqueous solution: effect of fenton treatment on mineralization, biodegradability and toxicity |
Sanja Papic, Igor Peternel, eljko Krevzelj, Hrvoje Ku ic, Natalija Koprivanac |
Vol 3, No 4 (2004) |
Advanced oxidation processes. decolorization of some organic dyes with h2o2 |
Mioara Surpateanu, Carmen Zaharia |
Vol 12, No 2 (2013) |
Advanced quantitative environmental impact assessment method |
Anett Utasi, Tatiana Yuzhakova, Viktor Sebesty n, J zsef N meth, Brindusa Robu, kos R dey, J nos Lak , Tam s Fr ter, Istv n R duly, Lenke R duly, Gabriela Popita |
201 - 225 of 4539 Items |
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