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Issue Title
Vol 8, No 2 (2009) Adsorption of n-hexane vapors onto non-functionalised hypercrosslinked polymers (hypersol-macronettm) and activated carbon: thermodynamic and kinetic studies Abstract
Adela Marilena Buburuzan, Cezar Catrinescu, Matei Macoveanu
Vol 8, No 1 (2009) Adsorption of n-hexane vapors onto non-functionalized hypercrosslinked polymers (hypersol-macronettm) and activated carbon: equilibrium studies Abstract
Adela Marilena Buburuzan Haleta, Cezar Catrinescu, Matei Macoveanu
Vol 10, No 10 (2011) Adsorption of pb (ii) from aqueous solution onto lewatit fo36 nano resin: equilibrium and kinetic studies Abstract
Mehdi Ahmadi, Pari Teymouri, Azra Setodeh, Mohamad Sedigh Mortazavi, Alireza Asgari
Vol 18, No 3 (2019) Adsorption of phenol on adsorbents produced from coconut tree waste: kinetic and equilibrium studies Abstract
Marta Duarte, Graziele Nascimento, Maressa Santos, Thiago Silva, Nat lia Campos, Jean Santos, Celmy Barbosa
Vol 15, No 2 (2016) Adsorption of phenol with the grafted polymer of p(mma-mah)- pegme in aqueous solution Abstract
Yun Huang, Haijun Cao, Jinwei He, Tao Jiang, Yuanhua Lin, Jun Zhang, Yangzong Ning
Vol 12, No 7 (2013) Adsorption of phosphate from aqueous solutions by thermally modified palygorskite Abstract
Jingjing Xie, Tianhuhu Chen, Chengsong Qing, Dong Chen, Chengzhu Zhu, Jiayuan Wang, Xinmin Zhan
Vol 20, No 12 (2021) Adsorption of rhodamine b onto olive pomace: isotherms, kinetics and infrared studies Abstract
Im ne-Moufida Boukerzaza, Besma Boulhouchet, Brahim Kebabi, Ammar Mennour
Vol 11, No 8 (2012) Adsorption of ry 125 dye from aqueous solution on a silver doped tio2 modified clinoptilolite Abstract
Liliana-Andreea Colar, Laura Cocheci, Elida-Cristina Ilinoiu, Florica Manea, Corina Orha, Rodica Pode
Vol 14, No 7 (2015) Adsorption of simazine and boscalid onto acid-activated natural clinoptilolite Abstract
Stefano Salvestrini, Paola Vanore, Pasquale Iovino, Vincenzo Leone, Sante Capasso
Vol 15, No 11 (2016) Adsorption of tartrazine on an iron modified zeolitic tuff Abstract
Adrian Alcantara-Cobos, Marcos Jose Solache-Rios, Maria del Carmen Diaz-Nava
Vol 15, No 7 (2016) Adsorption of zn2+ and ni2+ ions from aqueous solution onto phyllanthus debilis: kinetics & equilibrium studies Abstract
Mohammad Aslam, Pugazhendi Arulazhagan, Sumbul Rais, Masood Alam
Vol 14, No 1 (2015) Adsorption properties of activated carbon from wild plant prepared by chemical activation Abstract
zg l Ger el
Vol 21, No 12 (2022) Adsorption properties of vermiculite for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution Abstract
Betul Tuba Gemici
Vol 15, No 12 (2016) Adsorptive removal of cu (ii) ions by date pits: kinetic and equilibrium studies Abstract
Tarek E. Khalil, Hossam Altaher, Reda Abubeah
Vol 13, No 2 (2014) Adsorptive removal of hazardous methylene blue by fruit shell of cocos nucifera Abstract
Pijush Kanti Mondal, Rais Ahmad, Rajeev Kumar
Vol 14, No 5 (2015) Adsorptive removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions by pumice powder: process modelling and kinetic evaluation Abstract
Kiomars Sharafi, Amir Mohammad Mansouri, Ali Akbar Zinatizadeh, Meghdad Pirsaheb
Vol 14, No 5 (2015) Adsorptive removal of phosphate from aqueous solutions by waste snail and clam shells Abstract
Ji Bing Xiong, Yong Qin, Ejazul Islam
Vol 23, No 3 (2024) Advanced architectural integration of aesthetic, energetic and reliable features for coloured building integrated photovoltaic (bipv) systems Abstract
Laurentiu Fara, Dan Craciunescu, Alexandru Diaconu, Irinela Chilibon, Ana Maria Badea, Silvian Fara
Vol 7, No 4 (2008) Advanced cd2+ removal on dispersed tio2-fly ash Abstract
Maria Visa, Anca Duta
Vol 15, No 5 (2016) Advanced eco-technologies and materials for environmental and health application Details
Iulian Antoniac, Ecaterina Matei, Corneliu Munteanu
Vol 13, No 9 (2014) Advanced environmental impact assessment: quantitative method for red mud disposal facilities Abstract
Anett Utasi, Viktor Sebesty n, J zsef N meth, Tatj na Juzsakova, L szl Di ssy, Endre Domokos, Brindusa Robu, kos R dey, Istv n R duly, Lenke R duly
Vol 23, No 6 (2024) Advanced numerical modeling using mike 11 to determine the water volume accumulation in a drainage channel for irrigation use Abstract
Daniela Cristina Stoica Untaru, Teodor Eugen Man, Robert Florin Beilicci, Anisoara Aurelia Ienciu, Mircea Visescu, Marin Ilca
Vol 13, No 10 (2014) Advanced oxidation of an azo dye and its synthesis intermediates in aqueous solution: effect of fenton treatment on mineralization, biodegradability and toxicity Abstract
Sanja Papic, Igor Peternel, eljko Krevzelj, Hrvoje Ku ic, Natalija Koprivanac
Vol 3, No 4 (2004) Advanced oxidation processes. decolorization of some organic dyes with h2o2 Abstract
Mioara Surpateanu, Carmen Zaharia
Vol 12, No 2 (2013) Advanced quantitative environmental impact assessment method Abstract
Anett Utasi, Tatiana Yuzhakova, Viktor Sebesty n, J zsef N meth, Brindusa Robu, kos R dey, J nos Lak , Tam s Fr ter, Istv n R duly, Lenke R duly, Gabriela Popita
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